Successful Audit of Evident as Code Manager for the Electricity Product Code

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Successful Audit of Evident as Code Manager for the Electricity Product Code

The International Tracking Standard Foundation: Founder of I-REC (I-TRACK Foundation) has successfully audited Evident Ev Ltd (Evident), the Code Manager of the Electricity Product Code for I-TRACK(E) / I-REC(E), against the International Attribute Tracking Standard (Standard). 

An independent, third-party consultancy firm, Barnebies, was commissioned to perform the following activities of the audit:  

  • – Generate and share a Participant Survey; and  
  • – Create a Code Manager Questionnaire. 


Participant Survey 

The I-TRACK Foundation would like to thank all Participants for providing input in the Participant survey and for their valuable time and suggestions. The Standard defines minimum requirements in terms of the quality of service to market players. As such, the survey provided invaluable information to the I-TRACK Foundation about how Evident’s work is perceived by its users.  

Considering the large number of active Participants and the voluntary nature of the survey, the I-TRACK Foundation considers the percentage of responses (9%) more than sufficient. The outcome provided clear points for improvement and reiterated the I-TRACK Foundation’s findings of an overall excellent performance of Evident.  

The overall reaction from the survey indicated that Participants are satisfied with the services provided by Evident: 94% of respondents had no concerns regarding the independence of facilitators; 98% believe that the implementation of I-REC(E) is in line with national legislation; 85% believe Evident’s services are cost-effective; and respondents indicated that questions have been answered politely and with respect (100%) and in a timely manner (95%). Some respondents (18%) would like to see more guidance material on the use of the Registry, the use of I-REC(E) in general, implementation in markets where national systems exist, and better general communication regarding registration changes.

While most of the details of the audit will remain confidential, the results of the Participant survey will be made available for public review; they can be downloaded here 

Code Manager Questionnaire 

Through the questionnaire, Evident was invited to upload documents and email correspondents to prove adherence to the Standard. All uploads were examined against the main principles of the Standard such as having unique redemption statements, clear Product Certificate ownership throughout the whole lifecycle of an I-REC(E), sufficient guidance documents, legal implementation in all countries, correct handling of complaints and mistakes, and much more.  

Although the audit brought up certain aspects for improvement, the I-TRACK Foundation has no reason to believe that operations breach critical areas of the Standard. Many points for improvement were like those identified in the Participant survey such as better guidance documents on specific roles and country implementation. 


The I-TRACK Foundation is satisfied that Evident has sufficiently proven adherence to the Standard and would like to thank all Participants again for their valuable input. The I-TRACK Foundation hopes to welcome your feedback again during the next audit. 

For any questions, please contact the I-TRACK Foundation secretariat at 

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