This Product Code is under development.
When released, an I‑TRACK for Biogas or Biomethane certificate will be referred to as an I-TRACK(G) and will be an exchangeable Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that conveys information about the production of a unit of biogas or biomethane such as where the biogas or the biomethane was produced, the capacity of the Production Facility, and the biogas/biomethane source.
I‑TRACK(G), once developed, will be available for use in a variety of (voluntary) requirements including Scope 1 reporting, national energy reporting, and general End-user claims, and allows all biogas or biomethane users to make a conscious and evidence-based choice for biogas or biomethane, in any country where service providers have been Accredited by the International Tracking Standard Foundation.
I-TRACK(G) Product Code
The I-TRACK(G) Product Code will be an I-TRACK Foundation Accredited Product Code that describes the application of the International Attribute Tracking Standard.
The I-TRACK(G) Code will adhere to the strict requirements of the I-TRACK Foundation’s International Attribute Tracking Standard (Standard), and will set out the definitions, processes, and procedures that form the requirements for the issuance, transfer, and redemptions of an I‑TRACK(G).
The goal of the I-TRACK(G) Product Code is to develop a standardized tracking methodology that is fact-based, ex-post, and technology agnostic, which would serve as the basis for a certificate instrument for producing biogas and biomethane. This mechanism will support organizations’ claims for biogas or biomethane usage including that of low or net zero-carbon products. |
I-TRACK(G) Governing Council
The I‑TRACK for Biogas and Biomethane Governing Council (the I-TRACK(G) Council) will made up of a group of stakeholders whose goal is to support formalizing the governance and oversight of the I-TRACK(G) Product Code.
For the I-TRACK(G) Council, all Accredited parties (Code Manager, Registry Operator, Issuer, Labelling Authorities, and Platforms) will have a future role, as will Market Players, their clients, and third-party stakeholders.
To accommodate these groups, the Biogas and Biomethane Council stakeholders will be appointed with voting rights. The I-TRACK(G) Council will take positions on the geographic availability of tracking instruments, Code changes, market barriers, adherence to national regulations, and coordination with standards, governments, and other stakeholder groups.
More information about the Council can be requested by the I-TRACK Foundation secretariat. |
I-TRACK(G) Code Manager
The I-TRACK(G) Product Code is held by an international consortium (Consortium) formed by Evident, Instituto Totum, and M-RETS. |
I-TRACK(G) Registry
The I-TRACK(G) Registry will be designed and developed by a team that specializes in energy attribute certificate registries. |
I-TRACK(G) Fee Structure
Market Facilitators (I-TRACK Accredited Entities) and Market Players are dependent on each other for a thriving EAC market. Market Players need a robust EAC system that adheres to international best practices to enable them to make trustworthy energy claims. These instruments are provided by Market Facilitators, who are in return dependent on the use of these instruments to continue their facilitation of the market.
The International Tracking Standard Foundation requires all Market Facilitators to ensure a level playing field for all Market Players and guarantee – without exception – a fair and competitive market. This means that all Participants and Registrants must pay the same fees for the same services.
I-TRACK(G) Market Players
I-TRACK(G) Market Registrants
Production device owners or entities acting on their behalf must register as a ‘registrant’ with the Issuer that is responsible for the issuance of I-TRACK(G) in the relevant country. A Registrant is the only party that can register a production device with the local Issuer and request the issuance of I-TRACK(G).
The Registrant must always request that I-TRACK(G) be issued into the account (trade account) of a Participant. The Registrant can also be a Participant, but this could also be a third party. Registration as a Registrant is free. However, there are fees attached to the registration of production devices.
For specific instructions and registration documents for a specific country, please see the documents on this page or visit a specific country page through the world map.
I-TRACK(G) Market Participants
A Participant is a Market Player, trader, or consumer with an account on the Registry of the Code Manager. They may redeem certificates on their behalf, or behalf of their clients and can trade certificates from their primary account to the primary account of another market player.
Participants have three main account types:
In general, Participants have one primary account and an unlimited number of subaccounts and redemption accounts. Registration as a Participant has associated fees. |