Change Management Process
•• The process of becoming Accredited by the I-TRACK Foundation is transparent and continual
Change Management
Proposing and making changes to the International Attribute Tracking Standard (Standard) or Accredited Product Codes ensures there is a clear and transparent method for stakeholder input. While the International Tracking Standard Foundation (I-TRACK Foundation) conducts consultations to gather feedback on specific items, stakeholders can, at any time, propose changes to existing regulatory documents such as the Standard or Product Codes.
Change Management for the International Attribute Tracking Standard
The process through which stakeholders can propose changes be made to the International Attribute Tracking Standard (Standard) begins with the submission of the change form that can be found on , ‘Application for Standard Change Management’ form. This request form assists stakeholders and the International Tracking Standard Foundation Board (Board) in identifying the exact nature of the change and how it will affect the processes described in the Standard. After the submission is made, the Board will review the proposed changes and determine the process for their evaluation.
It is important to note that approved change requests, excluding confidential details, will be published on the I-TRACK Foundation website.
Application for Standard Change Management
This application is for a change management to the I-REC Standard's International Attribute Tracking Standard.
Change Management for Accredited Product Codes
A Code Manager may make changes to a Product Code. To maintain their Accredited status, any change to a Product Code is subject to review by the Board before being implemented, except in the extenuating cases or events.
All Code Managers need to introduce a Change Management process in their Product Code, in a similar fashion to what is developed within the Standard. As a result, each Product Code will have a Change Management form like that of the Standard. A link to relevant, product-specific Change Management forms can be seen below. As with the Standard Change Management, all approved changes will be published on the I-Track Foundation website excluding any relevant confidential details.
Application for Change Management of Product Code
This is the application for a change management of an I-REC Standard Accredited Product Code.
Emergency Change Requests
When a Code Manager considers a change to a Product Code to be urgent such a change may be made in advance of Board approval. If the Board opines the change to be incompatible with the requirements of the Standard, it will advise the Code Manager after the change has been implemented and provide a Resolution Period of not less than three months during which the incompatibility can be remedied.
Interaction between Change Management and Consultations
After the submission of an ‘Application for Standard Change Management’ form for the Standard the I-TRACK Foundation secretariat will put the Code Changes out for general or public consultation. For changes to Product Codes, the I-TRACK Foundation secretariat, in collaboration with the Code Manager, may provide a joint consultation. The results of either such a consultation will be published on the consultation page and presented to the Board for further consideration.