•• An internationally recognized standardizing body
Empowering energy purchasers through international standardization and local implementation
Providing end-users with a choice of energy product makes them responsible and aware of the options they have in energy procurement. We have supported thousands of end-users in making a reliable claim for energy.
•• Fair markets for all players
The International Tracking Standard Foundation
The I-Track Foundation is committed to ensuring unbiased access to product information and allowing end-users to confidently procure products whose origins are well documented and clearly accounted for, thus empowering energy consumption choices around the world and supporting claims of generation, ownership, and history.
The I-Track Foundation has requirements and global best practices written directly into the International Attribute Tracking Standard. These best practices require all Market Facilitators to act in a way that is transparent, fair, and equitable to all market players. In this way, each Market Player can be guaranteed the same opportunities as others provided by the Market Facilitator.
Product Codes

Product Code for Gas

Product Code for Hydrogen

Product Code for Carbon Dioxide Removal

Product Code for Electricity
Latest News
On 19 December 2024, a press release was published by an online news source in China highlighting a meeting between...
On 8 January 2025, an article published on Eco-Business, an environmental business online news source based in Singapore, announced Singapore’s...
Following the publication of the 2025 Fees for I-REC(E) on 1 October 2024, this notice from the International Tracking Standard...
The I-TRACK Foundation Board has approved Myanmar for I-REC for Electricity [I-REC(E)] issuance. Approval came after the submission of a...
The I-TRACK Foundation Board has approved the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) as the local I-REC(E) Issuer in Kenya....
Following last year’s publication of the methodology, the residual mix for all countries in which I-REC(E) is available is now...
•• Stay up to date
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Facilitating standardized EAC schemes around the world
The I-Track Foundation’s International Attribute Tracking Standard represents a globally recognized standard that can be implemented for a myriad of products, both within and beyond the energy sector, that can benefit from harmonization, recognition, market support, and independent oversight.
About Us
The I-Track Foundation is committed to ensuring unbiased access to product information and allowing end-users to confidently procure products whose origins are well documented and clearly accounted for, thus empowering energy consumption choices and supporting claims of ownership and sustainable procurement.