*Since the date of this news item’s publication, the organization ‘The International REC Standard Foundation’ has changed to ‘The International Tracking Standard Foundation: Founder of I-REC (I-TRACK Foundation).’
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by the I-REC Standard Foundation with C-Capsule for the development of a Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) Attribute Tracking System in July 2021. Since the signing of the MOU, both parties have worked jointly on the development of the C-Capsules Code for CDR. The Code is intended to support entities and individuals to neutralize their emissions with proven CDR methodologies and provide a revenue stream for those activities.
C-Capsule, which is an initiative of Carbon Finance Labs and Evident, created a Product Code for Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) in adherence with the International Attribute Tracking Standard. Under their framework, any third-party methodology for measurable and durable CDR can be submitted for approval by the I-REC Standard Foundation. The first methodology for C-Capsule was developed by BionerG for distributed biochar production.
The C-Capsule Code and Methodology for Distributed Biochar were shared for public consultation in October 2022 to allow stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback, as part of the Accreditation process of the International Attribute Tracking Standard. At the end of the consultation period, the C-Capsule Code and Methodology for Distributed Biochar were presented to the I-REC Standard Foundation Board for approval.
The C-Capsule Code for CDR received preliminary Accreditation from the I-REC Standard Foundation Board on 13 December 2022. The Methodology for Distributed Biochar was also approved and will be piloted in 2023.
Review the C-Capsule Code for CDR here
Learn more about the Methodology for Distributed Biochar here.
Please contact the I-REC Standard Foundation secretariat at secretariat@irecstandard.org for any questions.