Lifting the Pause in Issuance, Indonesia

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Lifting the Pause in Issuance, Indonesia

*Since the date of this news item’s publication, the organization ‘The International REC Standard Foundation’ has changed to ‘The International Tracking Standard Foundation: Founder of I-REC (I-TRACK Foundation).’


On 23 August 2022, the I-REC Standard Foundation (the I-REC Standard) issued a public notice formalizing a pause in the Issuance of I-REC(E) for a select group of devices in Indonesia, which initially went into effect for select projects on 15 August 2022.

The notice issued indicated the pause would be removed pending no feedback from a national authority prior to 15 September:

“The pause in issuance will remain in effect for a 1-month period (from 15 August until 16 September 2022) as the I-REC Standard Foundation gathers information about the requirements of the national authority (court, or ministry- and regulator-level government entity), or until a national authority instructs the I-REC Standard Foundation to do otherwise.”

At the date of publishing this notice, the I-REC Standard has not received any feedback from a national authority in Indonesia.

Accordingly, this notice hereby lifts the pause in issuance for all devices affected by the pause in issuance for Indonesian devices. The present notice has no impact on devices other than those affected by the 23 August notice.

The I-REC Standard remains open to any feedback provided by a national authority. Further, the I-REC Standard may choose to reenact a pause in issuance (or similar measures) if a domestic court, ministry- or regulator-level stakeholder instructs it to do so.

With the intention of clearly demonstrating no prejudice in favor of any of the involved parties, and with respect to attribute or I-REC(E) ownership rights, the I-REC Standard Foundation’s Board of Directors makes the following statements:

  • “The I-REC Standard Foundation makes no determination related to the ownership of environmental attributes or the past or future ownership rights of issued I-REC(E). The Code does not contain any default attribution of ownership or presumption thereof regarding environmental attributes associated with the electricity produced by any given device and any certificates issued for them. Rather, this is to be ascertained on the grounds of the applicable law, and notably the rights applicable to any device for which certificates are being issued.
  • “Further, ownership and property rights of the I-REC(E) are separate from the right to register devices or request I-REC(E) issuance. As a result, parties cannot use this judgment as an argument related to the legal ownership of I-REC(E) issued for the output of devices; simply that Registrants are able to register devices and request I-REC(E) issuance.”

Given the statements above—and pending any future requirements communicated by a national authority to the I-REC Standard or the local Issuer for Indonesia—the I-REC Standard hereby lifts the pause until further notice.

The I-REC Standard recognizes the rights of national authorities in Indonesia to make future rulings concerning attribute ownership rights at any point in time. The I-REC Standard continues to welcome input from respective national authorities, which may be directly communicated to the I-REC Standard Foundation secretariat at



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