*Since the date of this news item’s publication, the organization ‘The International REC Standard Foundation’ has changed to ‘The International Tracking Standard Foundation: Founder of I-REC (I-TRACK Foundation).’
The I-REC Standard Foundation (I-REC Standard) is pleased to announce its attendance and participation at the World Hydrogen Mobility 2023 in Le Méridien Stuttgart, Germany from 30 May – 1 June. This event will focus on how hydrogen and alternative fuel technology is helping various industries move toward decarbonization.
Connor Kerr, Market Support Analyst, Hydrogen Development of the I-REC Standard will be presenting a Certification Masterclass at the event, “This masterclass will focus on the importance of certification for hydrogen, cover some of the common concepts, and discuss the important role it will play for hydrogen development. We will then take a deeper dive into what kind of certification is building in Europe in general and take a closer look at I-REC’s development both in voluntary and mandatory markets so far and going forward.”
To register for the World Hydrogen Mobility 2023, go here: https://www.greenpowerglobal.com/attendance/event/index/128/EN?step=ticket_widget&_ga=2.52337774.611684097.1684227182-1208602217.1684227182&_gl=1*4xstbu*_ga*MTIwODYwMjIxNy4xNjg0MjI3MTgy*_ga_6KT4DTH1H8*MTY4NDIyNzE4Mi4xLjAuMTY4NDIyNzE4Mi4wLjAuMA
The World Hydrogen Mobility 2023 brochure is available for download here: https://info.greenpowerglobal.com/whmobility-brochure/?_gl=1*wqb0rk*_ga*MTIwODYwMjIxNy4xNjg0MjI3MTgy*_ga_6KT4DTH1H8*MTY4NDIyNzE4Mi4xLjAuMTY4NDIyNzE4Mi4wLjAuMA