*Since the date of this news item’s publication, the organization ‘The International REC Standard Foundation’ has changed to ‘The International Tracking Standard Foundation: Founder of I-REC (I-TRACK Foundation).’
An Aide Mémoire (AM) has been finalized between the I-REC Standard Foundation and ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE).
This AM is the first step in the cooperation and engagement with ECREEE and Member States (stakeholders in the Economic Community of West African States and relevant affiliated agencies) to support participation through capacity building, training, and awareness creation in the international renewable energy attribute market.
Driven by the urgency to address the various existing barriers hindering the exploitation of the manifold renewable energy and energy efficiency potential in the ECREEE region, the project is mindful of the scale of electricity demand in the ECREEE region: contrasted by the potential to increase renewable energy uptake for both grid and off-grid connection where 80% of the population have no access to grid-connected electricity. The development of this system will be central to increasing renewable energy penetration in the West Africa sub-region and harnessing global initiatives such as I-REC Standard, adherent EACs will serve to improve the visibility but also financial viability of renewable electricity resources in the region.
Cooperation with, and accreditation by the I-REC Standard ensures a rigorous tracking system for electricity verified to be consistent global standards in ECREEE member states thereby generating the opportunity to participate in the I-REC(E) market.
For questions or comments, please contact the I-REC Standard Foundations secretariat via secretariat@irecstandard.org.