*Since the date of this news item’s publication, the organization ‘The International REC Standard Foundation’ has changed to ‘The International Tracking Standard Foundation: Founder of I-REC (I-TRACK Foundation).’
The I-REC Standard Foundation and Avance Labs are proud to announce the release of the I-REC(HX) Product Code for Hydrogen and Hydrogen Derivative Fuels and Products.
Hydrogen is expected to complement renewable electricity and play an integral role in the world’s transition towards a cleaner and more secure energy future. With the scale-up of hydrogen use and applications, hydrogen investments around the world will see a significant and steady increase. Avance’s I-REC(HX) Product Code, and its adherence to the I-REC Standard’s International Attribute Tracking Standard, ensures there are the necessary checks and balances in the governance structure to ensure Avance is an independent market facilitator and a neutral and fair market facilitation body.
The full press release and information on the consultation of the I-REC(HX) Product Code can be found here.