The International Tracking Standard Foundation (I-TRACK Foundation) and C-Capsule, as Accredited Code Manager, have published the I-TRACK for Carbon Dioxide Removal Product Code [I-TRACK(CDR)] or C-Capsule Code for CDR. This and other governance documents provide clear ways for organizations to participate in the I-TRACK(CDR) tracking system and market.
A public consultation was open to gather feedback on recent changes made to the I-TRACK(CDR) Product Code. The goal of the consultation was to both inform stakeholders of the changes and to get feedback to assist us in improving the I-TRACK(CDR) Product Code based on stakeholder input.
The consultation closed on 12 July 2024. The changes to the I-TRACK(CDR) Product Code have been approved. The I-TRACK Foundation and C-Capsule would like to thank you for taking the time to consult on the newly edited I-TRACK(CDR) Product Code.
You can access the explanatory document for the consultation on the I-TRACK(CDR) Product Code here.
To download the I-TRACK(CDR) Product Code, click here.
Visit the C-Capsule site for more information on C-Capsule and the CDR Product Code.