2020 Residual Mix – Deadline Extension

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2020 Residual Mix – Deadline Extension

In a news article issued on April 14ththe I-REC Standard Foundation informed stakeholders that, due to the constraints caused by COVID-19 pandemic and the measures governments are taking to contain it, the Residual Mix Deadline (RMD) for 2020 would be postponed to August 15th. The article also indicated that the Board of the International REC Standard Foundation would review this deadline before June 26th.

The Board decided that a further extension was not needed and that the August 15th, 2020 deadline would be retained. It was explicitly noted that the extension of the RMD was a one-time measure to accommodate stakeholders. The RMD will return to its usual date of May 15th from 2021 onwards.

Please contact the I-REC Standard Foundation secretariat at secretariat@irecstandard.org if you have any questions.

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